New Moon Playlist:*Stephenie Meyer POV*
(Note: this loosely follows the story sequence. I'm going to put a B, E, or J after each song, so you'll know who's perspective I'm hearing it from (that might help you categorize them into where they fit in the novel). Mostly B's of course, since she's telling the story.)
1. "Do you realize?" - The Flaming Lips (B)
2. "Paper cut" - Linkin Park (B)
3. "Hyper Music" - Muse (B)
4. "Apocalypse Please"- Muse (B)
5. "Time Stands Still" - The All-American Rejects (B)
6. "Empty Room"- Marjorie Fair (B)
7. "Unwell"- Matchbox Twenty (B)
8. "Pain"- Jimmy Eat World (B)
9. "Ride"- The Vines (B)
10. "Fix You"- Coldplay (J)
11. "Blue side" - Rooney (B)
12. "Over My Head (Cable Car)"- The Fray (B)
13. "Going Under"- Evanescence (B)
15. "Be My Escape"- Relient K (B)
16. "Never Let You Down"- Verve Pipe (J)
17. "Sing For Absolution" - Muse (E)
18. "Ya Mamma" - Fatboy Slim (Generic action-scene music)
19. "D.O.A."- Foo Fighters
20. "Stare" - Marjorie Fair (B)
22. "The Truth About Heaven"- Armor For Sleep (B)
23. "The Scientist"- Coldplay (E)
24. "Sound of Pulling Heaven Down" - Blue October (E)
(Couldn't find Ya Mamma, The Truth About Heavan, Sound of Pulling Heavan Down, or the full version of Blue side. Sorry!! )
1. "Drag"- Placebo (B)
2. "Like A Stone" - Audioslave (B)
3. "World Has Turned and Left Me Here" - Weezer (B)
4. "Best I Ever Had"- Vertical Horizon (B)
5. "My Immortal" - Evanescence (B)
6. "Not the One" - Collective Soul (B) :Sorry this song could not be found and therefore is not available on YouTube:
7. "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" - U2 (B)
8. "Rest In Pieces"- Saliva (B)
9. "White Flag" - Dido (B)
10. "Everybody's Changing"- Keane (B)
11. "Unintended" - Muse (B)
12. "I Miss You"- Blink 182 (B)
13. "The Reason" - Hoobastank (E)
14. "Hate Me"(radio edit) - Blue October (E)
(Sorry, couldn't find Not the One, Everybody's Changing, or Hate Me (radio edit) we apologize but you can see the songs on YouTube by clicking on their name)
Eclipse Playlist:
- Mexican Standoff — Elbow
- Hamburg Song— Keane
- Clocks — Coldplay
- The Small Print— Muse
- Stab MyBack— The All-American Rejects
- Overweight[edited] — Blue October
- Mr. Brightside— The Killers
- Newborn — Muse
- Love Me Like You— The Magic Numbers
- Vindicated — Dashboard Confessional
- Hysteria — Muse
- Uninvited — Alanis Morissette
- Yes Please — Muse
- Infra-Red— Placebo
- The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot— Brand New
- Luv — Travis :Sorry this song could not be found and therefore is not available on YouTube:
- Blackout — Muse
- It's A Disaster— Ok Go
(Sorry couldn't find Overweight [edited] or It's A Disaster..but strangly was able to find the unavailable YouTube song...)
Stephenie Meyer: "I couldn't make up my mind about the last song on the playlist, so pick your favorite of these five!"
- *This Is How I Disappear— My Chemical Romance
- *Sleep— My Chemical Romance
- *Falling Away WithYou— Muse
- *Accident & Emergency— Patrick Wolf
If you click on the name of the song it will take you to the YouTube video provided that has that song, and at the end of each playlist is an actual playlist of each of the songs listed above it. However, be sure to read the notes above the playlist because some songs were unable to be found, but most were. Enjoy!! :D
(Stephenie Meyer POV) As mentioned at the end of the lame, rambling autobiography (nobody got that far, did they?), I can't write without music. This, combined with the fact that writing Twilight was a very visual, movie-like experience, prompted me to collect my favorite Twilight songs into a sort of soundtrack for the book. This list is not chiseled in granite; it transforms now and again. But, for the moment, here's the music I hear in my head while reading the book:
Twilight Playlist: